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Common Inventory Management Problems Faced by Enterprises

· Inventory Management,Cloud based Software,Business Inventory,Agile Methodology,MobileAppDevelopment
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Inventory management is basically a simple concept, but at times, it can appear complicated to enterprises. Inventory is essentially a list of materials and goods which are available in stock and held by a particular business. In essence, it is the process of keeping track of your business' inventory, as well as having the right balance between supply and demand. This technique if mastered correctly provides a base for significant developments in business. Optimizing inventory management is critical if you need to ensure the success of your business enterprise.

Inventory management affects different parts within a business organization, ranging from warehouse management and on-shelf obtainability to damage prevention, monetary inspections, and customer satisfaction. Inefficient inventory management can be really disastrous and can spell the end for your business. Even if inventory management is tiresome, opting for a modernized and well-structured process, preferably custom inventory management software can largely help in eliminating errors and improving business growth and productivity.

Common Inventory Management Problems Faced by Enterprises
  • Inability to Forecast Demand Correctly 

Accurate demand forecasts are imperative for producing the correct number of products, especially for wholesale manufacturing units. This data can be gathered through well-designed inventory management software. However, if the software has bugs or is faulty, it can cause havoc for your business.

Let’s discuss the example of Nike, where the main problem accrued from erroneous forecast demand. The software which was used by the company had bugs and data errors which resulted in exhibiting inaccurate forecast. This data was used as guidance for their manufacturing plant. Consequently, they did not have sufficient products in accordance with the demands of their customers, and at the same time, the company overproduced on products which were not in demand. Therefore, it is critical to have a robust and efficient inventory management software wherein demand forecasts can be done accurately.

  • Inability to Adopt State-of-the-art Automation Systems 

If the enterprise has not adopted advanced technologies and is tracking inventory with Excel, or manually with pen and paper, then inventory management will be erroneous. Manual tracking not only takes a lot of time and enhances labor costs, but it also leads to imprecise results and employee pilferage. Thus, there is a wastage of resources and energy, resulting in an impediment to the growth of the business.

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It is important to employ modern technologies such as cloud-based inventory management software or fully-functional custom software to automate tasks. This will help in eliminating errors and spending more time focusing on the development of business.

  • Inability to Frequently Make Important Inventory Checks

Many business enterprises are lax in making frequent inventory checks. This can ultimately lead to profit loss. Also, when large companies schedule inventory checks, they have to shut their operations for a day or sometimes more, which negatively impacts their sales. Moving on, even if an incongruity is located during your inventory check, it will be not easy to locate the problem especially with a longer time-frame to look back upon.


The best way to eliminate this problem is by adopting reliable custom inventory management software, which will always update you on the status of your inventory in real-time. Such software empowers companies with more visibility and clarity of inventories and helps them in efficiently managing their stocks.

  • Lack of Specific Inventory Control Systems
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A number of inventory problems arise due to inefficient execution, poor communication, and sloppy decision making. Traditional inventory systems are no longer apt for growing business enterprises. Innovative technology creates a proactive approach to solving inventory problems even before they occur. Business enterprises need to adopt an agile approach to inventory management so as to minimize inventory issues and enhance growth.

  • Need for Remote Access to Inventory Data

As the company expands into more locations, the process of accessing data becomes complex. Since the data lies in different systems, reconciling data to the main central location is a challenging task. These challenges affect the ability of the enterprise to make accurate core decisions. The employees need to be able to get the information they need on any device they choose and at any location, without compromising security or usability roadblocks. They also need the data to be correct so they can pass correct information to customers.

Comprehending and quantifying inventory management issues accurately is an important step towards efficient management. The company will be then able to use its capital resources effectively. The companies which are unable to take an agile approach to inventory management have to face multiple problems and find a decline in the customer base. Efficient inventory management and control practices will benefit the enterprise since they get improved visibility into both operational as well as professional performance metrics.


Innovative technologies provide advanced software which aids in keeping inventory costs down while simultaneously meeting all regulations. Supply and demand truly is a delicate balance, and an inventory management software solution will make it easier to maintain this balance. Coalescing high-quality inventory management software with fully trained inventory managers is indeed the best way to make the enterprise inventory management process an overall success.

A rock-solid inventory management is critical when scaling your business and taking it to the next level.